Does Caffeine Affect Your Blood Pressure?

Caffeine is a stimulant found in more than 100 plants that stimulates the central nervous system by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain and influencing neural activity via sympathetic nerve circuits. Caffeine is naturally found in coffee, tea, and other beverages. Many people drink these substances to help them stay awake and energized for long periods of time. Some people have been concerned that caffeine can cause a person to develop high blood pressure. This is a natural question since it is a stimulant substance, but instead of “causing” high blood pressure, it actually exacerbates high blood pressure.

Caffeine can cause elevations in blood pressure, however, this is usually temporary. Yet, the regular intake of caffeine in someone who has known high blood pressure can cause that person to have sustained levels of high blood pressure. It depends on how much caffeine the person consumes during the day. Caffeine can increase blood pressure to a certain degree after prolonged use. One professional study suggests that people who consume caffeine may have higher than average blood pressure. However, this particular study was limited and its results are not universally accepted. It appears that most caffeine intake studies have been unable to show alterations in blood pressure in those who drink small amounts of coffee or tea. Caffeinated drinks can be part of a healthy lifestyle, however, the amount consumed should be in moderation.

High blood pressure does the real damage when it is sustained at a high level over time. Small spikes in blood pressure readings don’t tell much about a person’s average blood pressure or mean blood pressure. A person can have a couple of high blood pressure readings during the day, however, during the rest of the day their blood pressure readings are normal. A visit to a certain location, such as a doctor’s office, can induce an episode of high blood pressure – the so-named “white coat syndrome” – yet, as soon as the individual leaves the office, their blood pressure goes back to normal.

With regards to caffeine consumption, it’s best to find out what your blood pressure readings are throughout the day, especially if you consume large amounts of caffeine. Certain drinks have much higher levels of caffeine, such as energy drinks, some brands of coffee, and some particular soft drinks. Try to pay attention to this part of your diet and keep track of your caffeine level to make sure that you don’t overdo it. Caffeine in moderation tends to be the best methodology.

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About the Author: Health Reporter